VB Classic

Rubrik: Anwendungen   |   Lizenz: Shareware   |   Preis: 39,99 EUR *01.06.09
Audio Video Synchronizer

It can synchronize audio and video of movie. If the audio/video is out of sync, the program can help you correct the problem.

Update:  -VB-Versionen:  Office/VBASprache:  Englisch 
Autor:   Jessica WangSystem:  WinXPDownloads:  2.100 
www.weqsoft.comBewertung:    Download starten (695 KB)

Audio Video Synchronizer can synchronize audio and video of movie. If the audio/video is out of sync, the program can help you correct the problem.

  1. Open the video, compare the voice and mouse lip, or subtitle to sync audio/video. If audio is played before video, jump audio backward separately. If audio is played after video, jump audio forward separately.
  2. Try several times, you can get a sync point. Add the point to the sync list.
  3. It is better to add at least 2 points at the beginning and end of out of sync position of the movie.
  4. Then calculate the audio and video's start time and end time with the sync points.
  5. Preview the output video. If there is no problem, then start the conversion.

It supports the video formats like avi, wmv, mpg, asf, dat, vcd, mpeg. If extra decoders are installed, it can support more formats such as divx, xvid, dv, mkv, ogm, svcd, dsm, etc. The output video can be WMV or AVI. If you install more multiplexers/muxers, the program can output more video formats. So the program is a video converter also.

  Download starten (695 KB)

* Preisangaben des Herstellers zum Zeitpunkt des Download-Eintrags / Updates. Irrtümer vorbehalten.


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sevISDN 1.0 für VB/VBA

Überwachung aller eingehender Anrufe!
Die DLL erkennt alle über die CAPI-Schnittstelle eingehenden Anrufe und teilt Ihnen sogar mit, aus welchem Ortsbereich der Anruf stammt. Weitere Highlights: Online-Rufident, Erkennung der Anrufbehandlung u.v.m.

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