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VB.NET - Ein- und Umsteiger
Re: Picturebox relativ zur Parentbox verschieben 
Autor: Manfred X
Datum: 09.02.18 13:20


Wer kann schon Mathe ????
Einfacher geht es, wenn man die Anpassung von Location und Size
der Zoom-Methode der Picturebox überläßt.
Public Class FrmAnimation
    Dim WithEvents Pbox As New PictureBox With
        {.Parent = Me, .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom, _
         .Dock = DockStyle.Fill}
    Dim bmpBackground As New Bitmap(400, 400, _
    Dim bmpAnimation As New Bitmap(bmpBackground.Width, bmpBackground.Height)
    Dim bmpForeGround1 As New Bitmap(20, 20, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    Dim bmpForeGround2 As New Bitmap(10, 10, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    Dim WithEvents TimAnimation As New Timer With _
        {.Interval = 40, .Enabled = True}
    Dim Posx1, Posy1, Posx2, Posy2 As Integer
    Private Sub FrmAnimation_Load(sender As Object, _
        e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.DoubleBuffered = True
        Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpBackground)
        End Using
        Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpForeGround1)
        End Using
        Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpForeGround2)
        End Using
        Pbox.Image = bmpAnimation
    End Sub
    Private Sub TimAnimation_Tick(sender As Object, _
        e As EventArgs) Handles TimAnimation.Tick
        Static vz1 As Integer = 1
        Posx1 = Posx1 + vz1 * 10 : Posy1 = Posy1 + vz1 * 5
        Static vz2 As Integer = 1
        Posx2 = Posx2 + vz2 * 5 : Posy2 = Posy2 + vz2 * 10
        If Posx1 > bmpBackground.Width - bmpForeGround1.Width _
           Or Posx1 < 0 _
           Or Posy1 > bmpBackground.Height - bmpForeGround1.Height _
           Or Posy1 < 0 Then _
           vz1 *= -1
        If Posx2 > bmpBackground.Width - bmpForeGround2.Width _
           Or Posx2 < 0 _
           Or Posy2 > bmpBackground.Height - bmpForeGround2.Height _
           Or Posy2 < 0 Then _
           vz2 *= -1
        Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpAnimation)
            gr.DrawImage(bmpBackground, 0, 0)
            gr.DrawImage(bmpForeGround1, Posx1, Posy1)
            gr.DrawImage(bmpForeGround2, Posx2, Posy2)
        End Using
    End Sub
End Class
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Picturebox relativ zur Parentbox verschieben961PowerBauer04.02.18 18:55
Re: Picturebox relativ zur Parentbox verschieben434Franki09.02.18 03:59
Re: Picturebox relativ zur Parentbox verschieben437Manfred X09.02.18 13:20
Re: Picturebox relativ zur Parentbox verschieben419PowerBauer09.02.18 16:34

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