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VB.NET - Ein- und Umsteiger
Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen? 
Autor: blueberlin
Datum: 29.10.23 19:31


Ich habe ein sehr Simplen Quellcode für ein Spiel was ich gerade Bastel.

Der Code ist immer der selbe, leider komme ich auf keine Lösung wie ich ihn kürzen kann.

Meine Idee mit

if Label2.Text="Feld" then Hauptfenster.PictureBox(Label3.Text).Visible = False
wäre sicherlich schön gewesen, klappt aber leider nicht.

Habt ihr ein Tipp für mich wie ich da am besten rangehe?

If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "1" Then _
  Hauptfenster.PictureBox1.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "2" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox2.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "3" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox3.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "4" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox4.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "5" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox5.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "6" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox6.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "7" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox7.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "8" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox8.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "9" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox9.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "10" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox10.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "11" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox11.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "12" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox12.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "13" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox13.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "14" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox14.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "15" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox15.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "16" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox16.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "17" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox17.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "18" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox18.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "19" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox19.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "20" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox20.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "21" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox21.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "22" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox22.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "23" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox23.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "24" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox24.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "25" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox25.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "26" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox26.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "27" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox27.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "28" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox28.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "29" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox29.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "30" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox30.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "31" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox31.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "32" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox32.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "33" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox33.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "34" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox34.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "35" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox35.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "36" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox36.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "37" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox37.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "38" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox38.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "39" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox39.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "40" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox40.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "41" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox41.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "42" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox42.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "43" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox43.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "44" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox44.Visible = False
If Label2.Text = "Feld" And Label3.Text = "45" Then _
Hauptfenster.PictureBox45.Visible = False
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen?273blueberlin29.10.23 19:31
Re: Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen?131Manfred X29.10.23 20:43
Re: Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen?116blueberlin29.10.23 21:01
Re: Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen?124Kuno6029.10.23 21:13
Re: Immer Wiederkehrenden Code kürzen?118Manfred X29.10.23 21:32

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