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Fortgeschrittene Programmierung
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll? 
Autor: luet
Datum: 03.03.10 19:50

'outPropsSize -
'     In:  the pointer to the size of outProps buffer; *outPropsSize = 
'     Out: the pointer to the size of written properties in outProps buffer; 
*outPropsSize = LZMA_PROPS_SIZE = 5.
'  LZMA Encoder will use defult values for any parameter, if it is
'  -1  for any from: level, loc, lp, pb, fb, numThreads
'   0  for dictSize
'level - compression level: 0 <= level <= 9;
'  level dictSize algo  fb
'    0:    16 KB   0    32
'    1:    64 KB   0    32
'    2:   256 KB   0    32
'    3:     1 MB   0    32
'    4:     4 MB   0    32
'    5:    16 MB   1    32
'    6:    32 MB   1    32
'    7+:   64 MB   1    64
'  The default value for "level" is 5.
'  algo = 0 means fast method
'  algo = 1 means normal method
'dictSize - The dictionary size in bytes. The maximum value is
'        128 MB = (1 << 27) bytes for 32-bit version
'          1 GB = (1 << 30) bytes for 64-bit version
'     The default value is 16 MB = (1 << 24) bytes.
'     It 's recommended to use the dictionary that is larger than 4 KB and
'     that can be calculated as (1 << N) or (3 << N) sizes.
'lc - The number of literal context bits (high bits of previous literal).
'     It can be in the range from 0 to 8. The default value is 3.
'     Sometimes lc=4 gives the gain for big files.
'lp - The number of literal pos bits (low bits of current position for 
'     It can be in the range from 0 to 4. The default value is 0.
'     The lp switch is intended for periodical data when the period is equal 
to 2^lp.
'     For example, for 32-bit (4 bytes) periodical data you can use lp=2. 
Often it's
'     better to set lc=0, if you change lp switch.
'pb - The number of pos bits (low bits of current position).
'     It can be in the range from 0 to 4. The default value is 2.
'     The pb switch is intended for periodical data when the period is equal 
'fb - Word size (the number of fast bytes).
'     It can be in the range from 5 to 273. The default value is 32.
'     Usually, a big number gives a little bit better compression ratio and
'     slower compression process.
'numThreads - The number of thereads. 1 or 2. The default value is 2.
'     Fast mode (algo = 0) can use only 1 thread.
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?4.003TBX12.01.10 12:17
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.828ModeratorMartoeng18.01.10 14:15
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.930TBX19.01.10 19:28
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.828luet17.02.10 11:53
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.904TBX17.02.10 19:27
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?3.409luet18.02.10 07:49
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.774TBX18.02.10 10:10
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.731luet28.02.10 16:28
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.673TBX01.03.10 09:58
Re: Kennt jemand eine LZMA-Dll?2.666luet03.03.10 19:50

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