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Need Advice on Optimizing Legacy VB6 Application for Modern Systems 
Autor: clausesalvator
Datum: 24.07.24 12:43

Hello there,

I am currently working on maintaining and optimizing a legacy Visual Basic 6 (VB6) application thats critical for our companys operations. This software has been in use for several years; and while its stable; we have started encountering performance issues as we have transitioned to newer hardware and operating systems.

We have noticed significant slowdowns; especially in data processing tasks that were previously handled smoothly. The application interacts heavily with an older SQL Server database; and we are exploring ways to optimize this interaction.

There have been occasional crashes and unexpected behaviors; particularly on systems running the latest versions of Windows. While we have managed to patch some of these issues; they often resurface; suggesting deeper compatibility problems.

The codebase is quite extensive; and over the years; different developers have made modifications. This has led to a mix of coding styles and techniques; making it challenging to implement consistent optimizations or upgrades.

What are the best practices for optimizing VB6 applications; especially in terms of database interaction and resource management?
Are there recommended tools or techniques for profiling and identifying bottlenecks in a VB6 environment?
Has anyone had success with running VB6 applications on modern Windows systems? If so; what configurations or tweaks have proven effective?

Also, I have gone through this post; https://www.vbarchiv.net/forum/id1_i44229t44229_absturz-bein-speichern-von-uipath-gemachten-nderungen.html which definitely helped me out a lot.

Considering the long term viability; would it be more prudent to migrate the application to a newer platform; and if so; what are some recommended approaches or frameworks?

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
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