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VB.NET - Fortgeschrittene
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbild in VB.NET 
Autor: Manfred X
Datum: 28.12.14 10:36

Probiere ....
Public Class frmPicParam2
    Dim fh As Integer = 550
    Private WithEvents btnload As New Button With _
        {.Parent = Me, .TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, _
        .Text = "B     C      G     &Laden", .Width = 150}
    Private WithEvents vsBright As New VScrollBar With _
        {.Parent = Me, .Top = 20, .Height = fh}
    Private WithEvents vsCont As New VScrollBar With _
        {.Parent = Me, .Top = 20, .Height = fh, .Left = 25}
    Private WithEvents vsGam As New VScrollBar With _
        {.Parent = Me, .Top = 20, .Height = fh, .Left = 50}
    Private pbOrg As New PictureBox With _
        {.Parent = Me, .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom, _
         .Top = 20, .Height = fh, .Left = 75, .Width = 300}
    Private pbModified As New PictureBox With _
        {.Parent = Me, .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom, _
         .Top = 20, .Height = fh, .Left = 390, .Width = 300}
    Private ofd As New OpenFileDialog With _
        {.Title = "Bilddatei", _
         .Filter = "Bild |*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.tif"}
    Private Function SetBrightnessContrastGamma _
       (ByVal InBitmap As Bitmap, _
        ByVal Bright As Single, _
        ByVal Cont As Single, _
        ByVal Gam As Single) As Bitmap
        If InBitmap Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
        If Bright > 1 Then Bright = 1
        If Bright < -1 Then Bright = -1
        If Cont > 1 Then Cont = 1
        If Cont < -1 Then Cont = -1
        If Gam = 0 Then Gam = CSng(Gam + 1.0E-45)
        Dim Diff As Single = (Bright / 2) - (Cont / 2)
        Dim Matrix As New Imaging.ColorMatrix(New Single()() _
                       {New Single() {1 + Cont, 0, 0, 0, 0}, _
                        New Single() {0, 1 + Cont, 0, 0, 0}, _
                        New Single() {0, 0, 1 + Cont, 0, 0}, _
                        New Single() {0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, _
                        New Single() {Bright + Diff, _
                                      Bright + Diff, _
                                      Bright + Diff, 0, 1}})
        Dim NewBmp As Bitmap
        With InBitmap
            NewBmp = New Bitmap(.Width, .Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
            Using ImageAttr As New Imaging.ImageAttributes(), _
                NewBmpGra As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(NewBmp)
                NewBmpGra.DrawImage(InBitmap, _
                    New Rectangle(0, 0, .Width, .Height), _
                    0, 0, .Width, .Height, _
                    GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ImageAttr)
            End Using
        End With
        Return NewBmp
    End Function
    Private Sub ChangeParam()
        With pbModified
            If Not .Image Is Nothing Then
                .Image = Nothing
            End If
        End With
        With pbOrg
            pbModified.Image = SetBrightnessContrastGamma( _
                CType(.Image, Bitmap), _
                CSng(vsBright.Value / 100), _
                CSng(vsCont.Value / 100), _
                CSng(vsGam.Value / 1000))
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Me.Width = 700
        Me.Height = fh + 50
        vsBright.Minimum = -100
        vsCont.Minimum = -100
        vsGam.Maximum = 2000
        vsGam.Value = 1000
    End Sub
    Private Sub hsScroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) _
        Handles vsBright.Scroll, vsCont.Scroll, vsGam.Scroll
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnload_Click _
        (sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnload.Click
        With ofd
            If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub
                With pbOrg
                    If Not .Image Is Nothing Then
                        .Image = Nothing
                    End If
                    Using bmp_in As New Bitmap(ofd.FileName), _
                        bmp As New Bitmap(bmp_in.Width, bmp_in.Height, _
                                          Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb), _
                        gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
                        gr.DrawImage(bmp_in, 0, 0, bmp_in.Width, bmp_in.Height)
                        .Image = CType(bmp.Clone, Bitmap)
                    End Using
                    vsBright.Value = 0
                    vsCont.Value = 0
                    vsGam.Value = 1000
                End With
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End With
    End Sub
End Class
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbild i...1.357Rainer19.12.14 15:31
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...852Manfred X19.12.14 17:24
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...784Rainer23.12.14 17:07
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...894Manfred X23.12.14 17:55
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...821Rainer24.12.14 12:07
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...795Rainer27.12.14 14:18
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...840Manfred X28.12.14 10:36
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...770Rainer30.12.14 17:40
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...792GPM23.12.14 18:04
Re: Schnelle Umrechnung eines Farbbildes in ein Graustufenbi...825effeff28.12.14 17:28

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