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ADO.NET / Datenbanken
ADO.NET, can't open multiple datasets from one connection? 
Autor: johntimber
Datum: 22.06.18 07:03


I'm in my ongoing ever slow transition to .NET. I'm trying to do something that I would easily do in ADO, but I can't seem to do in .NET? I'm passing a reference to an open SQLConnection into a sub that is supposed to take that and open a datareader and a dataset(I need to update the dataset info from the datareader). However when execution reaches the point where it would execute the .Fill method for the dataset, I'm getting "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first." errors thrown. Can I not open multiple dataset/datareaders from a single SQLConnection? If so, what is the reasoning behind this?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Re: ADO.NET, can't open multiple datasets from one connection? 
Autor: Manfred X
Datum: 22.06.18 09:32


Why do you want to do that?
The concept behind ADO.Net is the "decoupling" of
Database access and data processing.
You open the connection, read the data (Fill) and immediately close the

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