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Projekte und Betatester (VB und VB.NET)
Prolex Pad 
Autor: Fibonacci
Datum: 19.12.10 10:20

Prolex Pad

Prolex Pad ist ein erweiterter Texteditor für Windows, welcher detailierte Toolbars beinhaltet, Designs unterstützt und einen Updater bietet!

- Programmiert in: Visual Basic.NET
- Projekt gestartet am: 3. Juni 2010
- Lizenztyp: Freeware

- Microsoft Windows XP (oder neuer)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (oder neuer)

Aktuelle Version:
- Prolex Pad 0.2.6

- Fullscreen- und Notiz-Modus
- Zuletzt verwendete Dateien
- Designs
- Snapping Tool
- Makros
- Kodierungen
- Multilanguage Support

- 'Replace' in the Find/Replace/GoTo window
- Selected text is pasted into the Find/Replace/GoTo window textboxes
- Check state to the skins entries
- Settings panel
- Compatibility Mode (in the settings panel)
- Multilanguage support
- Font combobox (in the 'Format' toolbar)
- Font size combobox (in the 'Format' toolbar)
- Macro commands from the 'Insert' menu
- Stop/Restart Debugging
- 'ASCII to Decimal' and 'Decimal to ASCII' coding
- 'ASCII to Hexadecimal' and 'Hexadecimal to ASCII' coding
- 'Upper Case' and 'Lower Case'
- Zoom combobox with zoom in/out/normal items (in the 'View' menu)

- Wrong toolbar gradient was used by hovering and then leaving the 'Skins' submenu
- Several minor bugs with the skin management (Changing the skin is faster now, too!)
- Sometimes the 'Clear Recents' item was disabled after the startup
- Font dialog showed the wrong font at first startup
- Font dialog wasn't syncronized with the 'Larger Font'/'Smaller Font' buttons
- Smallest font size was loaded by changing the font size
- A strange line was shown in the 'Note Mode'

- 'Replace' renamed to 'Replace All' (because it does just that)
- Image from the security query changed because the old one might refer to help files instead of things that are important for the future
- Shortened up the Save State (from 'Successfully saved the Document.' to 'Saved.')
- Moved the 'Textbox Backcolor', 'Snapping Tool', 'Right to Left' and 'Reset...' functions to the settings panel
- Replaced the Office 2003/2010 and VS 2005/2008/2010 images (from the 'Skins'-submenu) with refined ones
- Moved the HTML debugging window into a split container
- Renamed binary coding items to 'ASCII to Binary' and 'Binary to ASCII'

To Do:
- ...

- Full (709 KB gepackt; 734 KB entpackt)
- Portable (no setup) (545 KB gepackt; 1,3 MB entpackt)
- Setup only (679 KB)

Ich hoffe es gefällt dir; Feedback wäre nett.

Beste Grüße,

Beitrag wurde zuletzt am 19.12.10 um 10:33:07 editiert.
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Prolex Pad4.117Fibonacci19.12.10 10:20
Re: Prolex Pad2.196vbNetProgrammie...21.12.10 19:16
Re: Prolex Pad2.280Fibonacci21.12.10 20:38
Re: Prolex Pad2.230vbNetProgrammie...22.12.10 14:11
Re: Prolex Pad2.242Fibonacci22.12.10 14:39
Re: Prolex Pad2.128vbNetProgrammie...22.12.10 18:15
Re: Prolex Pad2.124Fibonacci22.12.10 18:25
Re: Prolex Pad2.278keco23.12.10 11:32
Re: Prolex Pad2.132Fibonacci23.12.10 17:56
Re: Prolex Pad2.150Fibonacci03.01.11 20:59
Re: Prolex Pad2.428Fibonacci25.12.10 01:11

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